Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh What A NIght...

I have been looking forward to some heat for a while now. I mean it is the middle of June. So yesterday's 80+ degrees was so very welcome. The only problem was the night. I am way too cheep to turn on the AC for one night. The girls were not easy to put down for the night even with most of the day spent at the pool. A was up till almost 9:00! I think B fell asleep before that. First it was "just too hot" then it was "Daddy, PLEASE bring up a fan." Then you know what comes after the fan is in the room..." I can't feel it" and "it is still too hot". I finally told them if I heard anymore I would take the fan away and they would just sweat till they fell asleep. Well it got them quiet at least :)

I fell asleep on the couch during the last 15 minutes of my show. I hate that for now I have no idea how it ended. Good thing I woke up right as the news came on so I could get to bed at my normal time. But now I was a tad hot too. I think I fell asleep and then hubby came in. I'm awake now due to all his tossing and turning. Finally I told him to go get the stupid fan and knock it off. The fan resulted in the banging up 2 flights of stairs, turning on the bedroom light, and asking me 2 questions. Yes all this at about 12:30. Not too happy. Now I can't fall back to sleep due to the fan noise. Luckily hubby decided it was not enough and he would go to the basement to sleep since it is cold down there. Great thanks for waking me up and on your way out turn off the fan.

Just about to fall asleep and there is a strange beeping noise. I look and see that it is about 2:15. What the heck is making that noise. Hubby, who is once again in our bed, does not move so I figure he does not hear it. I get up and go on the hunt. I find it in the basement. It is the smoke alarm. Now I don't smell or see anything that would make the alarm go off, so I yank out the battery and go back to bed. Wait! is it just a smoke detector or is it also a CO2 detector? Crap! I can't remember. Is our house filling up with CO2? Is that why I am tired? I figure I will just wait to see if the next detector in the kitchen goes off. Yeah. right. Like I am going to wait and see if my babies die. So I go down to the computer and try to figure out what kind of detector I have. Basically mine does not match any of the ones pictured on the website so I figure it is just smoke. Back to bed.

3:30 and I am startled awake not by the storm, but by a loud crash from downstairs. Look over at hubby and he once again does not move. Man he can sleep through anything! This time I try to think about what would have made that noise. I figure it can't be anything too major and I am not going to go look for it. It already fell so it will wait till morning. (just to let you know it was the large bulletin board I have in the kitchen. I found this in the morning)

Well no luck going right back to sleep. 5:00 rolls around and more thunder. 7:00 and A screams for B, who is downstairs. Nothing like jumping out of sleep for that one. Well now I am up and still rather tired. Perhaps I will nap when they go to camp.

Nah! I will take a few moments to blog.

1 comment:

JCR said...

Oh man, sounds like a terrible night! Hope you get in a nap today.