Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Goal

I have decided that it is time to get a few "projects" finished. I keep thinking that if I "do it later" it will get done. Well that is soooo not working. I decided to try something new... "Do It Now!" I have to say that this might actually work. So far I have painted the girl's picture frames that have been sitting in the boxes for a year now. I still need to put photos in them and hang them in the room, but one step at a time. Right?

On to my next goal...

The perpetual stack of family photos. This stack at one time was gone, I swear it! Somehow it has come back in full force. I do not scrapbook (do I need to explain why?) I try to put them in albums. Not so much based on the size of the stack. So I decided enough is enough. Time to get this stack smaller. I took all of them to the living room and made myself start. So far so good, but not done yet. I have gone through the envelopes and put all the photos in chronological order. On to the albums :)


Jen said...

When you get through your stack can you please go through my computer, order the prints of all those pictures locked away in there, organize them for me, and then get them in an album...Thanks! Oh by the way, there are at least 2 YEARS worth. Since you are looking for things to do...

Jen said...

Great idea.....just get that stuff done!!

Victoria said...

that is my goal oriented and organizing big sis :) the albums look great!