Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lots of Changes

The last few weeks have been full of changes and things getting finished. Most of them have been for the best but some may have a few underlining negatives.

1. My husband moved out of our home office to a new company :)
He is so happy to be busy again and working on deals. I am happy to have most of my house back to myself. The sad part is that the girls don't see Daddy as much for he is putting in some long hours getting acclimated to the new firm. I like having the house to myself during the school day, but it sure is quiet. I also have to say I miss having Daddy around in the house for quick runs knowing the girl(s) are at home with an adult. I seem to be doing a lot more alone.
2. I have begun gathering baby items.
For those of you who don't know I have been in new baby denial for most of this pregnancy. Having only 9 weeks left has made me get my ass in gear a little more. No more denial here.Well perhaps I should say not as much. It is time to get all of the hand-me-downs from friends and take inventory. I will say not knowing what the sex of this one is has made things like shopping a little tough. I guess all white sheets and a few blankets will be good for now. I have been looking through my fabric trying to find neutral patters to make burp cloths too. Not so much luck there. I seem to have lots of girly fabric. But I guess in a few weeks I will know it all.
3. A has been staying at school all day all week.
My plan this year was to have A go to after school program a few days during the week. Well it started off that way, but she now goes 5 days a week all day long. She was never much for sticking to my plans. At first I was happy about the down time for me, but now I have to say as active as she is I do miss her a little. I still ask her almost everyday if she wants to come home for lunch and play with Mommy, but the answer is always "No thank you." Guess that is good and it means she has more fun at school with all her friends than at home with me. Just hope it doesn't change when baby comes along.
4. B made her first Reconciliation
This is a big step for us Catholics. As a second grader she is getting ready to receive her First Holy Communion this May. Last night she went through the confession stage. She was so nervous but all smiles as soon as it was over. She even said she liked it and that the priest was really nice. She is growing up so quickly.
5. To DO list getting smaller :)
I am actually getting somewhere on my to do list. I am not just adding items either. I am actually taking things off! I finally called a friend of mine who is a decorator and had her come over to suggest (tell me) colors of my first floor rooms and the outside of the house. I am now looking forward (well not really) to painting this coming week. I am not doing all the rooms just the living room for now. I would like to paint the shutters outside and the front door, but with the temperature dropping not sure if I will get to it in time. I am also getting little things finished like updating address book. We will have a number of events this year that will require mailings from birth announcements to First Communion invitations. So I knew I needed to update my listings. I bought a new book and even got around to emailing people for new addresses. I then printed them out as labels and quickly peeled and stuck them in my new address book. It all looks so pretty and neat now. Just need to hand write the phone numbers in.
6. Making a few bucks on the side.
With my nesting phase that seems to have lasted the entire pregnancy I have cleaned out and organized most closets and storage places. This has allowed me to ebay a number of things. I actually earned enough to buy all the girl's Christmas gifts. (I am actually finished with all their gifts too) I have even taken a couple orders for the felt food that I make. I am not starting any business type venture with my crafts, but it is nice to make a little extra fun money on the side. It is also nice to get rid of a few pieces of felt :)
That wraps up a few things going on here. Hope to get a few more things tackled today but 2:30 seems to be coming up quickly. It always does.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Sounds like everything is coming together!! I say boy - boy - boy!!!!