Friday, June 29, 2007

My Gymnast

Today's Laugh...
B and her new love, gymnastics. She looks forward to her friday lesson all week. She is also very happy to pose for mommy's camera. I have a good time watching her too. She is pretty good and like to try all the stations. She takes the class with one of her best friends, so there are moments where they are chatting and not listening. She is so much like her mom!

Today's Tears...

Went out to the car, got both girls in, started to back out and noticed...A FLAT TIRE. B just burst into huge tears. She was so upset thinking that we wouldn't get to gymnastics now. Super mom to the rescue! I fixed the flat in 15 minutes and off to class we were. On the outside I was fine, on the inside I was pissed the Tom was golfing without his phone, and who could help me? But I did it. No, I didn't change the tire, just used a can of fix a flat and a little air. Good as new.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tree Hugger or OCD Cleaner

Laugh Moment...
Here we are outside, and all A wants to do is wash everything. Using the water from the water table she washed. She washed the chair (while I sat in it), the picnic table and benches, and even the tree. At least she did not see any cicadas to wash :)
My tear moment today...
Me: A now that B is at camp, would you like to go to the pool?
A: No pool. Elmo!
Me: Are you sure you don't want to put your swimsuit on and go to the pool to play in the water?
A: No pool, Elmo please.
So she watched Elmo. So much for our fun bonding time at the pool. It took me a while to get her outside too.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Darn DNA

So I have my Dad's chubby face, hands, and feet. Yet I lack his artistic ability! I think that with chubby the ability to paint and draw should come. It seems fair, right?
This is a view of the picnic table that my dad finished with the girls today. Yes Grandpa is just the most creative man I know. I only wish I had a before photo of this piece of crap too. Let me say that this red stained table was totally rotted and apart due to the fact it is about 15 years old. ( It was my sisters' when they were little) In fact, I told my dad to just throw it away.
Good thing he doesn't listen to me! He repaired it, painted it , and today had the girls put their hand prints on it. He then turned the hand prints into flowers! Oh, he made and painted the large flower too. Aunt Vic added her prints too, but you can't see them on the bench -Sorry!
Some say I too am creative. I agree that I am creative, yet I just wish I had the skill to make my ideas real. Well if my girls are lucky they will have inherited this gene since I did not.

Requested Story

For some of you this is a repeat story, but enjoy anyways.

Yesterday I went out for my 10 mile bike ride like I do 3 times a week. However this ride was much different.
To begin I found that our Ipod had no power, so I had to ride tuneless! As I was going to cross the path to a closed part I got "reminded" by the forest preserve "cop" that the trail there is closed. Oh I played dumb and told him I was just getting water not planning to go that way. For the record, I was totally going to go the closed path way :) So onto another path. While riding I noticed that my front tire needed air. No problem for I carry a pump on my bike. Remounting my bike I began to notice that the pants I was wearing started to get caught in the gear sprockets. Not a good thing to have happen while riding. Now at this point you may be thinking "why did you not turn around and just go home?" Well, that would be because I ate so much ice cream this weekend that I needed to try to burn some of it off. So on we go!
I now am continually pulling up my pant leg and trying to get it to stay up while ridding. Not as easy as one might think might I add.

At this point I have ridden about 5 miles and decided time to turn around. I have never ridden this path back home and now I know why. The hills are way easier going than coming back!
Now only about a half mile to go till I reach home :)
This is it. Just cross the street and I am just about home. Stop at the street to cross, press cross button and OH MY GOSH! I fell right over!!! I had one foot out of my pedel basket, but for some weird reason My body wanted to go the other way. Couldn't get that foot out in time so I just fell over on my knee with my foot still in the basket. Now this could have been much worse like there could have been cars stopped, or many of the high school boys that were out running could have been there. Lucky for me there was only 1 boy. I don't know how I did not hear him laugh, but it didn't seem like he did. For the record, he didn't ask if I was ok either. But oh well. So I cross the street and ride the next few minutes home in pain. Needless to say I did not ride today I am taking the day off!

Monday, June 25, 2007

A No Nap Day

Why is it that on the days that I have lots to do and get to go out tonight, my kids will not nap? This means I don't get much done, and they will go to bed super early. I don't mind them going to bed early, I just mind them doing it on a night that I won't be home.
Since I have things to do I decided I would pull out the "bed" from the couch in the basement and put on a movie. I am hoping they will at least rest while they watch the movie. At this moment however they are singing and playing on the bed. Not exactly the type of resting I had in mind.
At least I am able to get a few things done upstairs and they are having fun downstairs.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

So Much for Culture

Tom and I decided that we would take the girls to the Chicago Museum of Art yesterday for a little culture. What a trip!

The museum is not really geared towards kids. Yes, they do have a touch and feel exhibit, it can be found right under the stairs. And I mean under the stairs. It has about 4 heads to "feel" The girls were not impressed. They did however like the miniature rooms display a little.

On to the real art. I totally forgot how naked many women are in the art. I actually had to quickly get the girls out of a few rooms due to the graphic paintings. And I do not mean just naked bodies. It is also because I was scolded by a "guard" after I let the girls touch some statues. Hey if you don't want them touched put them in glass like the others! Would the guard have scolded an adult for touching? I think not.

I was also told in another room not to carry A on my back for it is dangerous. At this point I was ready to go. A really liked the fact that every room had an echo and most people did not. I did find it kinda funny. So after about 1 hour we decided it was time to go. So across the street to Millennium Park we went

Have you been? If not, I don't recommend it. It was a strip of dirt and water next to a busy road. Park?! Where is the green grass and trees?

All in all I think our culture cost more to park the car than anything else. B did learn that she should not touch any wall due to the fact that people pee on them. Yes I did tell her this. She thought long and hard and then asked,"how do people get their butt on the wall to pee?" I didn't really want to get into the fact that those who do the peeing are not girls.

So tears and laughs, and the day was done.

Here I go

So my friend joan has finally worn me down and I begin my life as a "blogger". I have no idea what I'm doing nor the amount of time this will take, but I begin anyway.

For those who know me, I like to chat. This could be a bad thing for me to have an open forum.

I will try to keep this as a humorus place to go when in need of a laugh, but since I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls you are bound to see my moments of tears.

Welcome and enjoy!