Monday, June 25, 2007

A No Nap Day

Why is it that on the days that I have lots to do and get to go out tonight, my kids will not nap? This means I don't get much done, and they will go to bed super early. I don't mind them going to bed early, I just mind them doing it on a night that I won't be home.
Since I have things to do I decided I would pull out the "bed" from the couch in the basement and put on a movie. I am hoping they will at least rest while they watch the movie. At this moment however they are singing and playing on the bed. Not exactly the type of resting I had in mind.
At least I am able to get a few things done upstairs and they are having fun downstairs.


Kat said...

I hate no nap days. Though on a good note, it does mean they will be super crabby as you leave. Hey, where is the great biking story?? :)

Anonymous said...

haha yea..tell everyone how u fell off ur bike!! the girls are playing instead of napping?! that is surprising :)

JCR said...

I hate when the kids are good (or sleep the whole time) when Hugh is watching them. Then he has no idea how it really is around here!!!!