Tuesday, August 11, 2009

More Friends Leaving

This week is the last week that my girls have to play with their friends before they move to Iowa at the end of the week. I too only have a few more days to sit at the pool and chat while our kids play together. I sure am going to miss them!

This is a life lesson that I wish the girls did not have to experience just yet. It is hard to lose good friends. This family we just met in April, but it was a perfect match for all of us (hubby included) They have great kids and a sarcastic wit. We all wish they didn't have to move back home, but totally understand the pull of family. B gets the meaning of moving away, but A really has no clue. She still thinks she will see buddy in school. It breaks my heart trying to explain this situation to her.

Well the bright side to all this pain is that we now have a new place to travel too next summer. After all Iowa is only 7 hours away :)

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