Sunday, September 20, 2009

Apple Fun

It is that time of the year again...Apple Picking Time!!! This adventure has quickly become one of our favorites. It is actually one thing we do in which B likes doing just as a family, no friends along. We went to the same orchard that we always go to, but this time we went on a Saturday. In the past years we have gone on school days, but now that B is in 2nd grade I don't feel right pulling her from school to go pick apples. So we decided since the weather was beautiful we would try the orchard on a crazy weekend.

It was not too bad. It did cost to park (new for us) and the lines to buy bags were a bit longer, but once out in the trees we didn't really come across others. Plus the trees were bursting with apples and we were able to get many different types this year. It worked out really well for us.

All I need to do now is monitor the girls and make sure they don't eat apples all day long. I also need to get started on baking some apple pies. Perhaps this year I will look into apple bread or cake too? We do have a whole lot of apples.

Why lift her up when big sister can now do it?

Take cover Daddy this one is coming at you!

Mommy and her girls (see I have a little baby bump)

Which type should I try? Ok, I'll just eat both.


Victoria said...

LOVE the pics! a great one of you and the girls (you should use that one for an updated profile pic)

Alicia said...

Jes, you look AWESOME!!!