Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Can You Say Competitive?

I went to my parent's house for lunch again today. I began with a cherry pie appetizer then had a mom made ham sandwich. The pie appie was to fit in my cherry pie that I am not allowed to have as a dessert. I gave up desserts for Lent this year. So I have figured it out that if I eat the sweet before a meal or in the middle of the day, it doesn't count as dessert. It is now an appie or a snack. Yesterday was Washington's birthday and so I knew that my mom would have a cherry pie to celebrate this president. I LOVE cherry pie, so I planned my meal.

While at their house I went on my blog and I noticed that I have over 400 posts. I told my younger sister this and she replied with, "I have more!" I said, "How can you have more? and "Why do you know that?" She told me it is because she tries to beat me! Yes, apparently I am in competition with my sister over who can post more on their blog. I had no idea, but now that I know I guess I better step up my posts. I certainly wouldn't want my little sister to have more posts than I do.

Guess this goes to show me that siblings are never too old to compete and that we will compete over just about anything.

So get ready to read lots of post fans for game on Vic!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

oooooo it is on! :)