Saturday, May 23, 2009

Caught on Screen Porch

Last Saturday I was called to see what was now "caught" on our back porch. My husband said there was a humming bird, but I totally though he was wrong. I didn't even think he knew what a humming bird looked like. So to humor him I walked to the back door and looked on the porch. Sure enough...

taking a quick rest on our clothes line

still looking for a way out.

There was a beautiful blue-green humming bird. He was trying to find a way out, but seemed to be stuck on the wrong side of the porch. I have no understanding why all the animals that get on the porch have such trouble finding the big open door that they came in. I tried to use a towel to guide the bird to the door. I was close but at the last minute he would fly to the opposite side again. A few times he even got his tiny beak stuck in the screen holes. I went to get my camera and good close up lens, but he was so quick that I could not get many good photos. These really are the best I could do. I knew they were fast little birds, but until ones sees them in person you have no idea.

It was fun to watch for a while and finally he did find his way off the porch. I was glad.

1 comment:

Jen said...

So cute! What a great thing to see on your porch!!