Thursday, May 7, 2009

Party Planner

I plan a lot. That is no surprise to many. I am not so much a list maker on paper, but my head is full of them. I plan my day, my month of meals, my grocery list, and to no surprise, the birth of my girl's. Now just because I plan way in advance does not mean that I get things finished ahead of schedule. No, I am more of a keep adding to the head list and at the last minute get it all finished.

Being a teacher I planned to have my babies at the end of the school year. My first was due the day after school got out. I couldn't get more perfect than that. She decided that my plan was not so good and came 2 weeks early. I was not ready for that at all. So with #2 I planned that she could arrive with a month of school left. I sure didn't want to be huge and working till the end of the year with all the crazy 7th graders. Again, she also didn't like my plan and came late. This created the 2 birthdays in 2 weeks dilemma. I don't mind that both girls celebrate in May, but with just 2 weeks between it is hard for me to get a breath.

B has decided she would like an American Girl birthday party. So I have come up with a bunch of activities and treats. I have yet to pick a date or create invitations however. Little A will be 4 on Monday and finally today she informed me that she would like a rainbow birthday party. Good! Now I can get to work on that one. When to do these celebrations? Oh why not have A's the morning before I leave to U of I for my sister's college graduation? I'm sure I won't have things to do for that. Wait that would be in about 1 week. I hope to get it all finished. I'm sure I will for I tend to over plan too. They are only a few 4 year olds. How much do I really need to plan? A few activities and then just let them run in the backyard for a little before cake right?

We will see how it all goes. I don't think I will get much sleep in the next few weeks. It won't be due to my getting things done, but to making more lists in my head.


Victoria said...

my last day of teaching is weds so count me in to help ya! :)

JCR said...

You can do it! Good luck! Can't wait to hear how the rainbow party will turn out.