Friday, May 15, 2009


Here are a few before photos of A's rainbow birthday party. Victoria and I have been busy making everything look like a big rainbow. There are a few things you will not see like how each doorway in my house (you know I have about 5 on the first floor) are covered with different color streamers. I figure the girls will love to walk through them. I focused most of the decorations in the dining room since that is where the food will be. I hope the rain stays away long enough for us to get in a few games of cloud hunt, and cloud,cloud,rainbow (duck,duck,goose). I also am thinking of a rainbow walk (they walk on color squares and when music ends they freeze. I call out a color and whoever is on that color wins.) Perhaps a fun round of red light green light too. If it does rain I'm not so sure what we will do. Will have photos after too.

Table shot. Each part of the table is a different color. The people at the party store thought I was nuts I'm sure since non of my stuff matched.

Another view of the room

Aunt Victoria worked hard on the banner

A's special rainbow chair

A's rainbow cake.


Jen said...

Looks like a fun party! What a great theme!! I hope Abby had a great day!!

JCR said...

The decorations look amazing! What a fun idea for a party. You guys did a great job. Love the M&M cake, too.