Monday, December 24, 2007

Cookie Time With Uncle John

Once again Uncle John requested the help of the girls. Little did he know what he was getting himself into. The girls were very happy to join him for a day of baking 4 different types of cookies. A was just as good a helper as B was. This was a surprise to Uncle John for he was not sure of her abilities in the kitchen. B was pretty good too, but she would quickly loose interest and mom had to take over.

It was nice to spend the day with my brother in the kitchen. He is a great cook and loves to bake Christmas cookies. He really does bake about 10 different types from peanut butter to white peppermint fudge. He also does breads to give out as gifts. Many of the cookies are straight from my Grandmother's collection. With this being the second Christmas without her, it was wonderful smelling all her goodies.

The day went well and I got out of cleaning my house. Lots still to do now that Tom and I decided that 2 days before Christmas would be a great time to repaint a few walls. At least the walls look better.


Victoria said...

cute picture!

T3h Qu33n said...

That is such a good picture!

Now they need to come to CA to make ice cream with uncle Matt :)