Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice Day

I awoke to the sound of the phone ringing. Oh my who died? What time is it? Wow! It is 7:00am and no one died. It was the school phone tree letting us know that B does not have school today on account of the ice storm. She heard her name and ran into my bed. Next the tv went on and she was super happy. I too was happy for this meant I could go back to sleep. I was not really tired, but just putting off the dizzy spell that hits when I get out of bed.

At 7:30 I decided enough was enough and it was really time to get going. I got A up and dressed and then B picked out comfy wear and all went down for breakfast. I, being a good mom, made oatmeal and then let them eat it in front of the Tv. Ok, the tv might not go under a "good mom", but I'll take what I can get.

I went to the computer to finish up Tom's present and lost track of time. I didn't see that coming :) Quickly I showered and got the girls out for A's class. B and I then were off to get a few things for her cookie party this weekend. B decided that we should go out to lunch after we picked up A. I didn't need much prodding for she wanted to eat at Panera. After lunch of sandwiches and soup we went to get B's hair cut. I didn't have much taken off, just enough to make it look better. Then over to Jewel for a few more cookie party items. You know dough, decorations, and a few other essentials. By the time we got home I was a tad tired and it was time for naps.

After naps back to work for me. Tom is out tonight so it is all me. Good thing I am feeling so much better. I will say I have yet to tip my head over for the fear of the dizzies.

Time to get off the computer for my youngest wants to have " my Elmo on".

1 comment:

JCR said...

I'm glad you are feeling better! Stay warm. :)