Saturday, December 29, 2007

Day One In Naples

We made it to Naples! The girls did a great job in the car. 2 days in the car was hard, but we had a good time. Well, Tom maybe didn't have a great time, but the girls and I did.
I am using Tom's'phone to do this blog so I hope it works.

Today we began at the beach. The girls spent lots of time collecting shells. All was good intill A took the shell bucket and dumped it out so she could put sand in it. Good idea,bad choice of buckets. B was very upset. Lucky for A the shells were easy to repick up from the sand for they were still in one pile. B said her highlight of the day was wave jumping. My highlight was laying on the beach while Tom had both kids with him.

We also had a surprise visit with cousin Vinny. It turned out that Penn was in town for a basketball game. Since Vince calls the games he was in town too. So to the game we went. Lucky for me I left the girls with Tom and went to the outlet mall that was down the street from the campus. Yes,so far this trip has been good for me too.

Well,typing with these tiny buttons is no longer fun so this is all for today.


JCR said...

So glad you made it safe and sound! Although I'm so jealous that you are on a warm beach as I'm sitting here freezing... Have fun!!!!

Victoria said...

glad to hear you are enjoying your warm and sunny vacation!! you are all missed here though :(