Monday, November 3, 2008

70 Degrees!?

I decided that today was way too nice to be cooped up in the house moving things back into the basement. I am not feeling well, but figured 70 degree days won't be here again for a long time, so I better use this one well. I checked in with the husband to make sure there was no reason I had to stay home. No stay at home mom for me today was the decision!

I took A to the zoo with a friend. They 2 of them had so much fun. All they did was run, run , and run some more. It was funny at times for A would be way ahead of me and Colin would be way behind. I was constantly saying, "A slow down." and "Come on Colin!" It was funny.

I am still amazed at how much energy A has. She was up at 5:30 AM (thanks to the time change) and has been going strong all day. I on the other had took a power nap while Dora was on before we had to pick up B from school.

It was super funny too listening to the 2 3 year olds talk all the way to the zoo. They sounded so grown up. Being that they are both the younger ones in their family their vocabulary is great. They would say things like, "Amazing!" and "Can you believe it?" I wish I could have taped it. They totally had full conversations with no interruptions from me.

It was a great day and the I'm so very glad that I did it. I might not think so tomorrow when I have lots more to do, but oh well.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

wish i had spent the day at the zoo! gold mommy star for you!