Saturday, November 8, 2008

From The Backseat...

I took the girls to see High School Musical 3 today. I have to say I liked the first 2 much more than this one. There were a lot of scenes that I swear didn't really fit in the movie, or real life. A seemed to be out of her seat often dancing on the steps. She is so funny. B seemed to really like it. She was really happy to go, but of course not so happy to go without a friend. One day I swear I will win and make her happy. Hey, I can dream right?

On the way home I heard this from my sweet girls.

B: I have your doll.

A: Give it back or I will smack your face.

B: Like you can hit me.

A: If you don't give it back I will poke you in the eyeball.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

OH MY WORD! That is totally terrible but yet so funny! Where does A hear those things?! Not from the shows she watches...what a fun mommy you are though, taking them to the must-see movie!