Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How Much is Too Much?

I continue to find myself going to the Trick or Treat bowl and eating. I am beginning to wonder how many pieces/pounds of candy is too much? I am not getting a tummy ache, so that to me means I have yet to eat too much, right? I am just dreading the day when the girls look in the bowl and yell out,"Where is all of our candy!" How will I get out of that one? I did go and work out yesterday, so I figure that gave me some room to eat. Plus I seem to only eat it during the day. I don't want it at night, so that is also a plus. Eating at night is really bad, right? The worst part is that I have resorted to eating the yucky stuff. The babyruths, the crunch bars... Not that they are "bad" just not the ones I really like. I will have to stop soon for all the real candy will be gone and all that will be left are the suckers and gummy body parts. I swear if I eat those I really will need help!

Anyone else in this position, or am I the only one gaining lots of Halloween pounds?


Jen said...

I did in the candy bowl ALL THE DAMN TIME!! On several oaccasions, I have met R in the pantry digging in the bowl too!! The first couple times it startled me but now it is our new hang out...

Yesterday P told me not to eat the candy because it was for the trick or treaters. I started to tell him that it was for us to eat but decided to just let it go for this year and safe it all for the EXPANSION OF MY ASS...and R!!

Alicia said...

The sacrifices that we make for our children! I too find myself eating their candy because I surely don't want them putting that nutritious lacking stuff in their bodies! ;)