Sunday, August 19, 2007

Busy Weekend

Friday night we had Tom's niece and ex-sister-in-law over for dinner. They are in town for nephew's first Northwestern Football game. He was on the team last year, but he was a red shirt then. So this was a big day. Tom even took the girls to see the game Saturday.

Saturday I went with some of my family to drop my sister off at college. This was bitter sweet. I am so happy that she is going away for I know she will love it, but at the same time I and the girls sure will miss her. I don't mean just for babysitting either. She has been such a big part of the girl's life these past 2 years. It will be great to see how their relationship changes now. I know B is so looking forward to lots of mail from Aunt Vic.

I too am a tad bit jealous for I think I might like to go away to college again. I mean have everything in my room, a big bathroom I never have to clean, food prepared for me 3 times a day, no kids, no husband... Sounds good doesn't it? but then I think about the things I'd have to give up... yeah I still want to go back :)

Since it has been raining non stop all day, I have been at the end of my rope. The girls have been going nuts for most of the day. It was so bad this morning that I took them out in the rain for a puddle walk. Even daddy came with us. It was kinda fun except for all the darn mosquitoes. But the girls had a blast going in all the puddles they could find and getting totally wet. They did have rain boots and rain coats on, but still very wet.

This afternoon, B and I went to the movies while the other two members of the family took naps. It was fun. I have never gone with just her. We saw Ratatouille. It was cute. Not the best kids movie, but it worked.

Still feeling lazy, we had a Grandma inspired "nibble night" for dinner. This means we just eat nibble type foods for dinner. B loves this. I like it too, for there is no real cooking or cleaning involved.

Lucky for me the day is about over.

1 comment:

JCR said...

I was going to take Tato to that same movie...maybe I'll hold off for something more kiddish.

Oh wow, Auntie Vic is at school already (is it really the end of summer already?). She's going to have so much fun. But I know how much you guys will miss her. :(

Yes, I want to go back to college, too!!!!