Saturday, August 11, 2007

From A 2 Year Old

A has really taken to keen phrases. Here are a couple of her favorites. Keep in mind she usually uses them correctly.

"No Way!"
"Not Fair"
"Abby Do!"

Conversation with A yesterday after her play date friends left...
Me: Ok A what would you like to do?
A: Watch TV
ME: What? How about we play?
A: No I watch TV
ME: I don't want to watch TV.
A: Abby does.

Yeah, she got to watch JOJO's Circus.


Kat said...

I love their comments. They are so innocent yet full of their little two year old determination to be independent. Though Grady has also taken to dictating " Mommy! You go get it! and Mommy do it."

Anonymous said...

A is too funny and clever :)