Monday, July 28, 2008

Fat Lip

My little dare devil has done it again. Many people have been told, by me, that A is my little boy. She is the one who has the chipped tooth, the no fear attitude, hit first then cry method of problem solving, and the lack of listening. Now to the list I add a fat lip.

She was on my bed playing with B and some how fell off. She caught herself with her face. Not the best thing to stop a fall, but then again she is only 3. I really thought she knocked a tooth out due to the amount of blood. It now looks as if her teeth just went into her lip. She seems to really like her fat lip too. Her major concern was if she would be able to suck her thumb. Luckily she is able to. Phew, (insert my sarcasm here) I sure would have hated kicking the thumb habit at this age.

But all is well and she is doing fine. I do miss seeing her bottom lip.


Victoria said...

oh man, it makes me laugh in a sad kind of way. she does like her fat lip though....

Jen said...

Poor little honey!! You can see the little smirk in her eyes just loving the fat lip!! She is such a doll!!

JCR said...

Oh my gosh! Poor thing. She still looks absolutely adorable yet also kind of proud of her battle scar. Hope it de-puffs soon!

Kat said...

Oh my gosh! Look at her :( Glad she can still squeeze her thumb in though... ha ha