Friday, July 11, 2008

Over Reaction?

Tonight we went out to dinner at a local eatery. We decided to sit outside since there were few families doing the same. Plus, there is a play house for the kids to use outside. A few minutes after we placed our drink order a multi-family group also decided to eat outside. The problem was that they needed 3 tables and there were only 2 left in the shade by us. So they decided to all squish at these 2 tables. I was not going to be giving up my table, but did give up most of our chair space for them. No big deal.

My girls decided to venture over to the playhouse before their meals arrived. I did notice that the large group had all boys who at this time took over the playhouse. Well my little A would have non of that. Go girl power! Unfortunately her girl power was not strong enough for this nasty group of little boys. I (loudly) told A and B mant times to tell the boys that they could play too and that the house was not "just for boys". Funny, the parents (and I use this term loosely) did not move a muscle nor did they spew a word to their boys. So I got up and went over to the house to use my teacher voice and looks. I got the girls to be allowed in the house, but now A was a tad bit scared and did not want to go in. I don't blame her for I was a tad unsure of these boys too. So I took the girls back to the table and again loudly stated that when the boys were eating their dinner my girls could go in the house since the boys were not being nice. AGAIN, nothing!!!

A wanted to try again so daddy took her this time. He sat right in front of the house and when A told the boys, with hands on her hips, that"they had to share 'cause the house was not theirs" The shit hit the fan. One of the little boys told my sweet girls to "shut up or her would smack her." I have not seen daddy so pissed in a while. He now stormed back to our table and looking at the group of so called parents repeated what one of their sons told his little girl. Finally one dad did go get his son and made him apologize, but the other "moms" actually stated that he should calm down for they are just boys. WHAT!!! Now mommy wolf took over. "And if it was your daughter you would allow someone to talk to her that way? It is ok for a kid to tell someone they would SMACK them?!?!" I was told by skinny bitch mom to settle down. Oh I settled down all right only because our food came and the boys were now at their table too. The rest of the night went fine and I focused on my family. I also thanked God that my girls are good and that I do have decent parenting skills.

So I ask...Did we over react? Perhaps I did not react enough?


Victoria said...

oh my goodness!!! what i would have paid to see that!!! you guys totally did not overreact...if anything, the other "parents" underreacted!! go B family!!

Jen said...

Over reaction? I would have tipped their table and jumped them all!! I would have done exactly what you guys did. You gave them plenty of heads-up about the boys behavior!!

I was reading the blog to my momma and she said....You gave them plenty of time to take charge of a situation.

That is crazy!! Hmmmm - apple doesn't fall to far from the tree! No wonder the boys are little assholes!!

JCR said...

Wow! I agree, you didn't overreact at all. It drives me crazy when parents let their kids get away with stuff like that when they know it's going on. I don't know how you got through the rest of the dinner. I would have been fuming!

Kat said...

No overreaction at all! I would have slapped the skinny bitch. Yikes!

.mk. said...

good thing uncle ben wasn't there... and i'm pretty sure a threat of violence is a crime.