Monday, January 5, 2009

Family Fun

I don't remember when, perhaps Thanksgiving, my Aunt taught B how to play charades. Now this is not one of my favorite games so each and every time B wanted to play with me since then I have guessed once or twice and then "had to go check on something"

Well for Christmas I found this kids charades game. It is a small metal box that includes the cards, a dice, and score cards. She was super excited about it. Needless to say B has wanted to play daily, and yet we have not. So tonight was the night. We happen to eat dinner a little early and got the girls in their jammies quickly. Charades it is!

We played in teams, B and Daddy on team 1 and Mommy and A on team 2. I figured for sure A would be a crappy partner. I mean how many 3 year olds can act out things or make a good guess from what I act out. Well holy crap! A was great! She was all over looking at the card and acting out the picture. She did great too at guessing. I'm not sure who was more excited when she was right, me or her. I will say there were a few times I used a little bit of sound effects, but she is only 3. B too was having so much fun. She had a smile on her face the entire time. It was a fun half hour.

I would have to recommend this activity for your family too. I never thought it would work, but I sure was wrong. Yes, I said in print that I was WRONG. Who would have thought?


Anonymous said...

Wow! I will mark down the day. Can I drop off the boys to play the game? I just don't have TIME or energy to PLAY with my kids right now!

.mk. said...

one more wrong thing - please ask B to remember just who was there teaching her charades on turkeyday.

JCR said...

Sounds like fun! Funny, though, that you use the "I have to check on something" excuse. I use that too.