Saturday, January 24, 2009

That's M(eye) Girl


We decided that for family day we would head to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago today. The best part is that when we went on line to check it out we found that today was a FREE day! Yes, we will save money! I quickly packed drinks, apples, bunny crackers, and a few fruit nuggets in my purse to help the "I'm hungry" chants and we were off.

When we got there we found out that today they would also be having a cow eye dissection activity at 1:30. B has been bugging me when I will dissect a cow's eye with her. She knows I have done it in the past with my science classes. Well sister, today is the day! She was so excited until we read the fine print that stated you had to be 10 to participate. I will be changing that I told her. I figured we could show up and see what happened. She was game.

We spent the time exploring. I swear it is not as much fun as I remembered, but then I forget that a museum changes the exhibits. The girls still had a good time and for FREE it was great.

Finally it was time for the awaited event. B and I headed upstairs to the classroom and hoped for the best. No problem! We were in and quickly had our gloves on without a problem. She was so excited! The others at our table were impressed that a girl of just 6 would do this. She was so in to it. She took a minute to touch it, but once she did she was hooked. I was so proud of her.

Ok, I'll touch it.

I have to cut all the fat off?

Look Mom, eye on a scalpel

That is what the inside looks like?

Look at my new eye.

This is my favorite. This was her idea too by the way. We will be using it for her Student of the Week too.

She said over and over how awesome this was. I am so happy that she liked it. I knew she would. It is nice to know that there is another part of me that she got besides my mood swings.


Victoria said...

a mini-jes! that last pic is gross, not surprised it was her idea :)

Jen said...

OH SWEET JESUS! I pick today to start reading blogs again! PUKE PUKE!! Here everyone that I was gross for wanting to see the babies in bottles!! That is very cool that she shares your love of science!!