Monday, January 19, 2009

My Personal Challenge

So I am a shopaholic. I am also a returnaholic. I don't drink, smoke, over eat (often) but I do love retail therapy. I find that there are now many times that I buy things and in a few days I return them. I guess it gives me a high and something to do. Not that as a SAHM I don't have lots to do, but returns gets me out of the "office". With the economy the way it is I have decided to try to kick the habit cold turkey. I have tried this before and it has not gone well.

I have not spent money in 5 days! Well, to be honest I did hit the grocery store yesterday, but stayed to items on the list. I also bought my brother a birthday gift, but made more money than I spent on returns first, so I don't count this. I even went to the movies Saturday night with FREE tickets and did not buy popcorn or a drink!

In order to stay on my no spending kick I had to make birthday presents. A had a party to attend for one of her friends, Addie. She turned 2. I did not have a good gift in my gift closet so I hit my craft drawer. I have wanted to make felt play food for a while now. I have lots of felt, lots of photos in my head, but nothing made. Well today was the day. I need a present, I can't spend money, and I have some time.
This is what I created for Addie. She now has 3 chocolate chip cookies,(my favorite) 3 sugar cookies with sprinkles, and 2 frosted heart cookies.(I need to work on these) I put all cookies in a clear treat bag and tied it with a small rubber scrapper and a little rolling pin.

I also made their new baby, Maylia, her letter M onesie and burp cloth. It was time consuming due to all the "help" my little helpers were giving me, but it felt good to be creative again and make something.

Oh NO! Husband just told me he needs new t-shirts and leather gloves! Guess I will hit Kohl's since I have a gift card. That doesn't count as spending money either, right?


T3h Qu33n said...

Tell me about the shopping thing. I got a bonus from work $300.00 and instead of paying down credit cards, I went and bought some Manolo Blahnik's on sale

Good luck!

Victoria said...

wow!!! look at your creativeness! :)

JCR said...

Oh my gosh, what a great idea (as usual). Those are precious. I know another almost two-year-old who would love some felt cookies on her birthday... :)

I, too, and a returnaholic. I haven't been spending a lot of money either, but then this weekend I did get some new clothes for my birthday. But during my mall outing, I returned something I bought a mere 20 minutes earlier. Never done that before, and felt good to not have to make another trip back to return it.

Alicia said...

Those are Awesome!