Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stop Growing!

This is a phrase that one hears often in our household. My husband thinks that the girls are getting too old too fast. For many things this is true, but I like that they are getting older and more interesting.

B tends to think more like Tom. She is a big dog that truly believes it is a lap dog. You know the kind. They weigh like 100lbs and still swear they can fit right on your lap. That is my daughter. Not that she weighs even close to 100lbs, but she swears she is as little as her 2 year old sister. She loves piggy back rides to bed, sitting on my lap to read, and snuggling next to me on the couch to watch tv. I too enjoy these precious moments for I'm sure they will not last forever.

The problem is that she is finding that my lap is not a comfortable as it used to be for story time. Laying next to me on the couch does not have as much room as it used to. I try to explain that it is a little harder for me to carry both at the same time up the 15 stairs to bed. Does she believe me? NOPE! She finds all of these things upsetting. (For those who know my daughter it does not take much to upset her) We try to find new things that she is able to do because she is bigger, but that doesn't always do the trick. I'm sure it helps even less that little sister still fits perfectly on my lap, next to me on the couch, and is easy to carry on my back. If only she would stop growing...


Victoria said...

she does need to stop growing, too old too i know how everyone feels about me turning 21 :)

Kat said...

Must be time for a bigger couch :) Like the new layout too!!!

Jen said...

That is so sweet! I remember being little and not wanting to get bigger!

JCR said...

Growing up makes me sad, too. I always ask Tato to stay 3 forever, and he answers (in his high voice), OK Mommy. Then I make him promise. If only that really worked...

T3h Qu33n said...

Stop growing B!