Saturday, March 8, 2008

When Am I Leaving?

I am leaving for an alone trip. I have decided to finally go visit my friend in Georgia for few days. This is a big thing for me and the family. It has been touch and go for days. I am going, I am not going, I am going, I am not going... I have not taken a trip alone since Joan was pregnant with her first (he is turning 4 this June). So it has been a long time.

I am looking forward to this time away, but as all you mommies out there know, getting ready for a trip without the kids is no easy task. Well it might be easy if I had a live in nanny or something like that. I do not however, have that type of situation. I do have a couple of friends and family members that have graciously volunteered to take my girls for various amounts of time during the 4 days that I am gone. Luckily for my husband.

Normally it might not be a big deal if I picked a weekend, I did not. I will be gone Monday-Thursday which equals prime activities and school! It seems that my husband is able to take time off of work to golf and for spring break, but not so much for my trip. This is why I have had a lot of stress and issues. I now have all lists and schedules typed out and think all will work.

He is looking forward to spending time alone with the girls too. How much time alone? I'm not sure. I'm sure B is looking forward to some Daddy time too. She has figured out that Daddy time = no rules. A, I'm not so sure about. She is a mommy's girl. I assume that this time will be a little hard for her. It will be good for her too and I know she will be fine.

I guess the girls have decided to really make it easy for me to leave Monday. There has been non stop drama here. I of course seem to start the drama as soon as I go to sit down to breath from the last episode. Some how the girls know that I just sat down, so that must mean I need something to do.

Last night around 2:30 A woke up coughing and throwing up. This lasted for at least 1/2 hour and 2 changes of sheets. She was pretty scared and did not like the whole thing. I don't blame her, but had to keep trying to convince let to "let the yuckies up" and to "spit it out". She finally fell back asleep around 3:30 and nothing since that. She is totally normal today. I have no idea if it a bug or just cause she was coughing.

Then B had an issue that required a full bath and scrubbing of her carpet in a few spots.

To top it all off A took B's special snow globe the Aunt Vic had given her and dropped it down the steps. The glass snow globe and hard wood steps did not make for a good time. Yes, the globe broke all over spraying glass, snow, and water on many steps as it rolled down. I don't think A meant to do this, but not really sure. All I know is that I had just gone to take the rising bread out of the oven and now I had to clean up a huge mess. The girls were both upset and Daddy, not so helpful with this one.

Now at this time the bread has been kneaded, the mess cleaned up and I have just been informed that A has poopies. Some in her undies and some on the potty. I think I will go and change my flight for later today :)


Kat said...

I am driving down with a bottle of wine as we speak. Be outside in 45 minutes and I will rescue you :)

JCR said...

Holy cow, that is definitely some drama. But good for you for taking a "me" trip! (Has it really been 4 years...?) I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Jen said...

Enjoy your vacation.