Sunday, June 15, 2008

Another BIG First

Here is a quick video of B riding her bike for the FIRST time with just 2 wheels!! I'm not sure who was more excited about this accomplishment, Daddy or B. I have been hounding him to finish teaching her for weeks. Finally today was the day. Nothing better for a true father to do on Father's Day then to teach his daughter to ride a bike. They went over to the high school track around the corner and success was achieved. You might also notice A in the background peddling on her bike. That also is new as of today. She could do half way, but getting all the way around was hard for her. Today she too figured it out.

B has gotten the stopping and riding down. The starting and turning are still being worked on. I am so happy for this now means I am no longer lugging her around in the trailer! I can now plan to ride to camp and the library with B by my side. We can also start going for bike rides on the trail together. I also said she can now go with me when I walk/run. She was pretty excited about that one. She wants to go tomorrow, not so sure I want to :)

She is so very proud. She brought her bike to my Mom and Dad's house today so she could show everyone her ridding. I'm not sure I have seen her smile so big before. It was neat to see that she connected hard work, patience, and perseverance with success.


JCR said...

Awww, that's so sweet! I'm so proud of her. Tato loved the video, too.

Kat said...

Yeah for B!!!! Now she and Drake can bike together :)

.mk. said...

yeah, bike riding's the best.

.mk. said...

i think it's time B and maybe A got their own email addresses. yeah, i'm serious.