Sunday, June 8, 2008

New Baby

The girls have been getting their fill of babies this week. 2 friends of B are new big sisters and my 4 month old niece is in town (with her parents of course), The girls fell in love with cousin M. B has fed her twice and even A wants her fill of holding her. In fact, once M is in her arms it is hard to get her out. B has told me more than once that she wishes baby M lived with us. I then asked if she wanted a baby too, only to be told that she only wants one if it stays a baby and does not grow into an A. Well I guess that solves that problem, huh?

I too have gotten my baby fix. I held, bathed, rocked, and smelled more than one this week. Funny, I really don't miss it. I think it has been good for me to do this too. I did want a baby for a while, but not so much now. I loved being able to pass the crying baby back, or not have to move when the baby woke up or wanted to be fed. I did like the smelling part and the holding while they slept, but all in all I am good now.

I'm sure most of my new baby need came for the fact that A will be off to preschool this fall. My house will be officially baby free. I will have 3 hours of childless time twice a week. Why would I want to spoil that? I have looked forward to this moment for years. But somehow I feel a little empty. I guess I know now why my mom had a new baby every 4 or so years.

So to Jen, Kristin, and any others... I'm passed my baby phase!


Jen said...

Careful - the bug may come back and bite you in the butt...well, afterall, that is how is happens I guess!! ANYWAY, I do hear from people that when you are done, you know it!! However, I personally still think you will have one more!! Just my opinion!!

JCR said...

I don't think you are done, either...I still have all your clothes just in case.

Kat said...

What?! Calling me out like that? I know, sometimes you just need a fix. The smell of babies is like crack - one sniff and you always come back!