Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Fish Is Down

I noticed a few days ago that B's fish was not looking so good. (I'm sure it had nothing to do with Aunt Vic cleaning the bowl last time) Well as I came down the steps last night I knew something was wrong. Yep, poor old Abbot was no longer swimming. Well to be honest he does not swim all that much. He tends to lie around on the bottom until one taps on the bowl. Then he rushes up to the top. So I tapped, and tapped, and tried some food. No luck. Abbott did not swim about. Then looking a little harder I noticed there was no gill movement. Yup, this would prove to me that the reason he was no longer swimming was because he was no longer breathing. He was dead. I quickly got rid of the fish and all fish items. B was in bed for the night when I made this discovery, so I decided not to go tell her. I figured it could wait till morning. It is now morning and she has yet to notice the missing bowl and fish. I think now I will wait to see how long it takes her to see that it is missing. My plan is to NOT get another one. I fell for this last time and I do not plan to fall for the "I will take care of it" again. On the other hand, I have recently heard that hermit crabs might be the way to go :)


Alicia said...

So sorry to hear about Abbott! We loved our hermit crabs, very low maintenance. A little creepy though!

Victoria said...

no fair! i did not kill your fish lol, plus B helped me so it was a team effort

JCR said...

I will never get fish. Dead fish give me the heebie jeebies. But I'm sorry to hear about Abbott. I wonder how long it will take for B to notice!

Kat said...

The boys and I vote hermit crabs!! Keep me posted how long it takes her to figure out he is no longer with us :)

Jen said...

I had hermit crabs when I was little...along with a hamster, guinea pig, dogs, fish....The hermit crabs were so easy to care for and fun to watch too. Hmmmm - maybe I will get a couple for my kiddies too...Wait the three dogs are enough...

HEY - Forget the hermit crabs - GET A DOG!!!

T3h Qu33n said...

I don't know, but my poor crab died :( Poor "Coco Hut."

May we suggest a dog? :)