Thursday, August 21, 2008

Craft Time

I have had these photos of a recent craft for a week or so. I kept wanting to blog about it, but never got to it. Huh, sounds like so many thing in my life. is a fun but messy project I came across and thought it would be good for both age groups. Why make a craft mess if only one girl can do it right?

We started with ripping up tissue paper and mixing together even amounts of water and glue. Then we used plastic wrap and covered the outside of a bowl. Turning the bowl upside down we began the fun and messy part of covering the plastic with the glue mixture and adding paper pieces. The girls had a great time using a paintbrush to spread the glue. I seemed to do more of the paper part for A. By the time we finished many layers of glue and paper my finger were stained red.

Notice the purple glue. We used the insides of a marker to dye the white glue.

Before the glue dried I broke out my glitter to add some sparkle. Now for those who don't know, I despise glitter. When I was teaching, my students lost points if they used glitter on a project. (Yes, I was that kind of teacher) My girls have maybe seen glitter used in our house 1 other time. My rules are simple and must be followed. 1. We MUST be outside and 2. I pore the glitter. The girls really liked the addition of the sparkle to their bowls. I also loved that I could use the glue mixture to add a sealing layer to the glitter.

Once the bowls dried (about 1 day) I removed the original bowl and the paper shell was left. The girls have actually used them for all sorts of things. I really liked how they turned out.


JCR said...

Wow! What a great project!

What are your thoughts on those glitter glue tubes? They are still messy, but not as much as regular glitter.

Jen said...

I am so impressed with the crafts you do with the girls!! You remind of my sister so much!!

Kat said...

I can tell by the photos you have girls. My boys would be covered in glue and tissue paper and anything else that they could come in contact with. Very cute by the way!!