Monday, August 11, 2008

On the Road Again

I have a few minutes, while the girls eat their dinner of cereal, to blog. I have been busy with getting ready to road trip to Philly. We are off to visit my husband's family for a week. Since it is still cheaper to drive than to fly and rent a car we are getting ourselves in tune with the road gods.

I have been shopping for road trip goodies (must have twizzlers and peanut m&ms)as well as fun little "travel fairy" items. I decided to start the travel fairy log ago. This little fairy periodically brings gifts to the girls. This could be a new coloring book, art project that is car friendly, or even a new book to read. The girls don't know when the fairy will bring a gift so they are happy every time.

I even spent time sewing a travel pillow for each of them. I'd post photos, but don't have that much time.

So my posts will be few for the week, but I'm sure I will be back with lots of good stories!

Have a great week and wish us luck.


Jen said...

Good luck and have fun!! Nothing like a family road trip!!

JCR said...

Another trip! Can't wait to read the next post...