Saturday, September 13, 2008

Doing It Old School

I decided that tonight would be family night. Fridays are usually movie night, but not tonight. This fact was not liked by B, but I told her it would still be a fun night. We went bowling! The girls have never been, and I thought it would be a blast. I mean I always liked going with friends when I was in high school and stuff. Plus I figured bowling alley pizza and beer for dinner? What could be better?

Well this alley was NOT old school. In fact it was total new school. It cost us $45 for 2 games. That does not include the food or beer. Good thing we only managed to play 1 game, so we did get some money back. The pizza, not too bad, and the beer just right. The only other problem was the computer scoring. It never seemed to be right. It was cool that the computer put the bumpers up and down depending on the bowler.

Even with a few minor issues, the girls had a total BLAST. They were dancing around, singing, and could not wait till it was their turn to bowl.

Daddy helping A. I just love her little velcro bowling shoes.

Not bad for A's first time,huh?

B was top scorer for many frames

Mommy's turn to bowl with A.

We will definitely go again. Maybe not to the same alley, but bowling again for sure. It was just enough fun and excitement for the rough hours before dinner and before bed. the girls came home happy and tired. A dream come true for me.


JCR said...

That was their first time? No way! So glad it was fun. It looks like the alley I go to when I'm in town, but I don't remember paying that much.

Kat said...

I love bowling!! Holy cow on the price though - ouch! We should take the kids some day.

Victoria said...

what a great family night idea! the kators do love to bowl hehe