Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day for B? Check!

So we made it! B was soooo excited to get to school this morning. She actually got dressed all by herself! I have been working on that for a year with the constant "I can't button all these buttons!" or "You know I can't brush all my hair!" then the tantrum would begin. But not today! I was so happy. She also went right downstairs to finish making her lunch and to eat breakfast. I could not believe there was not a tv remote in her hand at any time. I didn't think she could function without at least 1 show in the morning. But again, SURPRISE!

We left a little bit early for we knew the parking lot would be a nightmare. It was. I parked a half block away and we walked. She was not holding my hand like last year. In fact I don't even think she was walking near me at all. She walked right into her room and was met with a hug from her new teacher. She found her cubby, and her friends, and I thankfully received one last kiss before I was told I could leave (nicely by B of course).

I waited all day for the moment I could return to pick her all and find out all about her full day of first grade. I made her favorite dinner, and even a fun new snack. I got her at dismissal only to be asked if she could go to her friend's house to play. WHAT? She was with you all day! I wasn't. Don't you want to come home with me and play another day? Nope! Off she went to play and I went home to stare at my special snack sad and waiting again till it was time to get her from the play date.

After her all day excursion she was finally mine. All she wanted to talk about was how excited she was to go back to school tomorrow. Her day was good and it sure is a lot of work now at school. No more play time. Not exactly what I was looking to hear. I was looking for more "I missed you all day", I have more fun at home with you," "I love you mommy!" Well, maybe not all of those things would have been music to my ears, but maybe just a little sadness in her voice would have helped.

I am after all so glad that this year looks good. I love that she is happy for that seems to be rare with this one. I only hope all the days are like the first.


Jen said...

Just the thought of the kids being at school all day makes me want to cry!! That is so sad (and great for B at the same time) that she had such a fabulous time and wanted to play after school! You made me get tears in my eyes with that post!!

Victoria said...

at least she is loving it! sad at the same time too, where did the years go??!!! and what about A's day?

JCR said...

I'm so happy that she loves it! It's terrible when they don't. But I so feel your pain. I was so sad when I read about you staring at her snack. I hope she liked her special dinner.

Kat said...

I can't believe how big she looks! Remember when she started preschool?