Sunday, June 8, 2008

From Their Mouth

A: Daddy your are mean. I am going downstairs to Mommy.

When she got to me she wanted to sit on my lap. I said NO.

A: Mommy you are mean too.

Me: Then I guess you should go back upstairs and get in your bed.

A: No, I guess you should just be nice to me.

Me: So B how long did you play tennis outside today?

B: For about 2 minutes after lessons started. I told my teacher it was sweltering out here and it would be better if we went inside today.

Me: Good point. Glad she listened.

B: Well of course she did, I said please.

Me: Let's go girls we need to get to church.

A: Why?

Me: Because it is Sunday, church day.

A: We were just there with baby M. 'member?

Me: That was for her baptism, not mass. We need to go again.

A: I say no. I will stay here and do my prayer instead.

Me: (laughing) I say you will go to church and say your prayer there.


Victoria said...

too funny!!

Jen said...

The conversations are the best! Too funny!! At least your conversations don't include bad words!!!

JCR said...

I got another "you are mean" comment today. And today I actually wasn't!

Kat said...

Sometimes i choose to stay home and do my prayer there too! Oh I can't wait to see as a teen!