Monday, August 18, 2008

Home Again!

We are back from our long trip to Philly. The drive there was done in 13 hours, straight through. We survived with lots of movies, books and travel fairy treats. The girls were very good. I was even lucky enough to drive for 5 hours. To some of you driving for 5 hours does not sound so lucky. To those of you who have spent hard time in the passenger seat know that the 5 hours driving were the best hours of the trip. I used to think it was so unfair to make my husband do all the driving. I have since found out why he wants to do all the driving. It is sooo much easier to drive than to take care of all the wants of the passengers.

The time spent in Philly was family filled. I did however take the girls to the Crayola factory while Husband played golf. It was fun. It was a lot of arts and crafts plus a trip to the crayola store for a few purchases. I even let the girls get a few things too :)

Silly A with the crayon guy.

They sure make lots of colors

Coloring with melting wax. Way Cool!

Fancy B

Our Little Mermaid

The drive back was a 2 day event. I was quickly became bored and have figured that from now on I too will be bringing a DVD player so I can watch movies too. I am not lucky to be able to read in the car (motion sickness) so I tend to run out of things to do. I think the movie option is a good one. Then let my husband drive his heart out!

I now am playing catch up with laundry and crap to put away for the trip. Plus my sister-in-law passed down years of dolls and Barbies to my girls. Lots to go through and keep , toss, or donate. A has also come down with a cold. I'm sure that was not from the many public restrooms we visited.


Victoria said...

those pics of A make me crack up. I bet the crayon guy was wishing and hoping the crazy girl would leave him alone.

Jen said...

Welcome Home!! I missed reading your blogs!! I agree about driving rather than dealing with all the demands being barked from the backseat!! Sounds like you all had a great vacation!! I love all the pictures!! A hanging on the side of the crayon made me laugh!! They are both so sweet!!

JCR said...

So glad to hear you had another successful road trip! You guy have the best adventures. I bet the Crayola factory was a blast. I totally agree with you about the driving AND the DVD player for yourself. (I steal Hugh's iPod from time to time.) I too spent all day yesterday doing laundry and cleaning. Good luck getting settled and switching gears for back-to-school mode.