Saturday, October 20, 2007

Girl Stories

Well I know you all like nothing more than to read funny stories about my girls. So here are a few more.

My oldest, who again had to be talked to about fibbing, is the same girl who has been playing St Rose for the past couple of days. They talked about her at school the other day and B was very taken with the story. Why you might ask? That would be because St Rose was know for growing beautiful flowers and giving them away to sick people. B loves plants and flowers. So she and little A took all my fake flowers from out front and "gave" them away. We also went for a walk/bike ride with a basket full "in case we found more sick people." From liar to saint, who would have thought?

Little A on the other hand is becoming quite a stinker. She spent about 20 minutes being put back on the naughty step this morning. This is the same little girl who laid out all of B's school clothes the other night. She even got B's shoes ready at the top of the stairs. See there is a sweet side.

Right now the girls are in the backyard "playing" together. The day is nice and they are having some fun. The only problem is that I have to go out there about every 5 minutes to get them something, or to stop the fight. So much for peace. But at least they are outside and together right?

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