Friday, October 5, 2007

It's No Use

Here is a conversation between A and I this morning.

A: I doing sticker book. K mommy?
ME: Is that B's sticker book?
A: Yes, I do.
ME: I think you should go get your Elmo sticker book
A: No, I do B's
Me: Don't you think it will make B sad?
A: yes, B sad
Me: than go get A's sticker book
A: I do B's book, K mom?

We continued down this road for a few more minutes and then I decided to let it go and she can just use B's book for now. There really is no use trying to reason with her.


Kat said...

OMG!! I am laughing so hard because I can hear her little voice and see the look on her face :) Because no matter what or how you say it she is using B's book!

Victoria said...

haha..i am sure B wasn't happy about that...but yea I can totally see A saying that...good thing she is super cute :)