Monday, November 5, 2007

Curse the Time Change!

For many, many years the fall time change was my favorite. I liked nothing more than sleeping one hour more and waking up knowing I missed nothing. Well things sure have changed.

The girls have not adjusted to the "sleep more" concept. In fact they are now up earlier than ever before. We are now beginning our day at 5:30 am!! No matter how I try to tell them that they must stay in bed for it is too early, they just don't seem to get it. They are awake so should I. A actually told me today as she went down the stairs that "Mommy is up, daddy is up, B is up, and so A is up. Time for tv"

Good news is that today knowing that they were awake got me out the door to the gym so Tom could deal with them. I don't want the tv on right away, for I swear that if they think they get to watch tv, they will be up this early every day. I am not having that!

I am now looking forward to the end of the week when I pray they have returned to normal sleeping patterns and I can get some sleep.


T3h Qu33n said...

Matt says that you can't win with the girls :)

I can't wait until Matt gets to experience that with the baby.

Kat said...

I feel your pain girlfriend!!! And it hurts!

Victoria said...

oh A!! :) hope the day got better and they don't get up that early tomorrow!

JCR said...

Yes, this also used to be my favorite day. Now, not so much!