Friday, November 16, 2007

Project Runway

I was so excited to begin the new season. I recorded it and finally watched it yesterday afternoon with B. She likes the runway show part. It is funny to listen to which dresses she loves and which ones she does not like at all. I might just have a future judge here. She definitely does not hold her feelings back while she comments.

So after we watched the show (which I think has way too many gay men this season) B decided to have her own fashion show. A woke up at this time and wanted to be a part too. Girls went to the basement and gathered all the dresses that they would be showing. This was going to be a long show by the looks of the outfits.

I was on the phone with Jen at the beginning of this and while she was able to hear all the fun instructed me to video the show. I quickly hung up the phone and grabbed the video camera. I am so glad that I did for the show was good. B had so much fun changing outfits and doing her runway walk complete with model pose. Little A had fun too running down the runway and doing a little spin. She never did change outfits like her sister. I was even able to get the girls singing on tape.

We had a good time and it sure was more fun than watching tv. I get a mommy star today. Plus now when we watch the video (has been seen twice) B can't stop laughing. I wish I could get the video on the blog, but don't think I can. Since I was the movie maker I was unable to take photos. Sorry!


JCR said...

We watched it too! (By we, I mean Tato and I of course. He liked the awful blue dress with the train.) How SUPER CUTE that you had a fashion show. I want to see it!

Victoria said...

I can't wait to watch it!!

Kat said...

I will have to hook B up with my sister in law...she can get her a runway job :) You will have t share the video the next time we see you.