Thursday, November 22, 2007

You Sure You Want To Eat Those?

Yesterday A decided that she wanted to help me make our turkey cookies. She is very into "mixing". She pulled and pushed a chair to the counter and got herself ready to help. The first step was to pour in the powered sugar. I filled the measuring cup and told her to pour it in the mixer. Before I knew it she was telling me "sorry mommy" and there was powered sugar both in the bowl and on the counter. Well how do I fix this? Just eyeball it and pour more sugar in the bowl. A was really upset about making a mess, but after a few "it's ok" from me she was ready to move on to the next thing.

As I continued to add a few more ingredients to the bowl I noticed A was beginning to squeeze a soapy sponge into an empty measuring cup. Then all of a sudden the sponge was right next to the mixing bowl. NO! I yelled. Do not squeeze the sponge into the bowl! "Why?" she cutely asked. The best I could do is "Cause it is gross". That seemed good enough for her and off she went.

Dough was on its way out of the bowl to the freezer and little A kept grabbing dough and saying "yummy, my favorite" Then as I began cleaning the messes she continued to help by licking the remaining sugar up saying "yummy, sugar. I love it"

Needless to say the little helper was not a helpful as I thought, but we still had fun. Hope they turn out tasting good and that A doesn't get sick from the raw egg she licked out of the bowl too :)

1 comment:

Kat said...

Now I see whay you won't get a just let A lick everything up! ha ha Sounds like fun...I would not be so brave :(