Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Over...Santa Next

We have officially begun the Christmas season. I have done nothing but shop and husband has done nothing but watch the girls so I could shop. It has been a great weekend. I will really miss his help tomorrow when he returns to work and I return to life as a stay at home mom. Not that my life is bad, but it was nice having 2 stay at home parents.

As for shopping I tried to get most of the girls gifts well before Thanksgiving and finished. At least I thought I was. Now with all the sales and new ideas I bought some more. I'm sure I won't believe all the stuff I have once I pull it all out to wrap. Good news is that I can keep some for their birthdays and can return others if need be. As for myself I have gotten a few things and I'm not sure they will wait to be under the tree. I mean I just have to wear the new sweaters now, right?

I did hit the midnight madness at the outlets Friday. Madness is exactly what it was. I was not ready for the amount of adults and kids. Yes, some winner parents thought it was a good idea to bring their 2-6 year old out with them. Now I didn't mind the babies in the strollers who were warm and sleeping, but the 3 year olds that were out till 2 am and being yelled at for whining?!?!? plus both parents were there. I'm thinking one of them could have stayed home with the children. Oh well, to each their own I guess.

I did find a few good deals for myself and my sister and mom. Other than that nothing great. I did get the girls a few items too, but again just clothes, so not much fun. I don't know if will go next year, but perhaps.

Today my mom, sisters,B, and I went to the movies. It was a nice activity that all 3 generations could enjoy. We saw Enchanted. I liked it. (McDreamy was not the reason either.) It was a cute movie. I say go see it if you have girls. There were no bad words, no major sex stuff, and really no bad messages or violence. Hats off to Disney for this one.

So all in all this Thanksgiving weekend has been great. I did miss Philly a little, but it sure was nice staying home.


Victoria said...

many fun times were had this week/weeknd :) so excited for christmas, as usual!!! the movie was good

JCR said...

I'm so glad to hear Enchanted was do good. I can't wait to see it, although I will be seeing it to stare at McDreamy.