Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Every Princess Needs A Pony, Right?

So we have decided to go against all of our better judgement and money saving thoughts andget the girls this pony for Christmas. This is the pony that moves and stuff. As you can see it can also be sat on. Sad to say it doesn't move.

I have talked myself into this and out of it. Then T and I decided that the girls will both use it and they seem to LOVE it. Little A only wants to "see my pony" as soon as we set foot into Target. B remembers this great toy from the Martin family so she wants one too. Plus she is into horses now and this is cheaper than the real thing.

I have been online daily looking for the best deal and tonight I finally pulled the trigger on it. Walmart had a good offer for the horse and accessories. I ordered and called my parents to let them know a pony was on its way to their house to hide.

B had this as the #1 gift from Santa, but T and I decided that we want the credit for this one. Sorry Santa, but when it is this expensive I get the thanks! Now I have no idea how I am going to be able to keep the secret knowing this will just blow their minds on Christmas morning. I can't wait!

Oh the best part is that if I do still find a better deal I can still return this to any Walmart store. See, I'm always thinking of saving money. Now all I need to do is look at all their other presents and figure out which ones I will return. Wish me luck!


Victoria said...

that is so weird yet cool...i am so going to ride it when it is "hiding" at the house better tape the girls' reaction, it will be priceless :)

Alicia said...

Welcome to the world of horse ownership. One bonus, it doesn't leave any messy bathroom piles! I know that they'll love it!

JCR said...

What a great gift!! And I agree...take the credit. :)

Kat said...

Oh my! first you break down with the princess set last year and now this? Oh ye of little backbone. Wait till B wants a car!! ha ha ha I bet they are going to be SOOO excited!!