Saturday, November 3, 2007

Pumpkin Time

Here are a few photos from our fun filled pumpkin carving night. Tom did not carve pumpkins as a child so he never really understood this strange act. I on the other hand looked forward to family carving. My dad would do most of the artistic work and us kids would do the scooping. Some years our pumpkin was so large we would put the youngest kid in it too. Mom would take all the seeds and toast them for us to eat the next day. It was and great family activity.

I have tried to create the same in my house, yet until this year it didn't happen. For some reason this year was perfect. Even daddy got into the pumpkins with his girls. B and A loved scooping out the pumpkin guts and spent lots of time playing with them once they were out. A wanted the big spoon and didn't like B getting in her way. B thought she was so funny with her new pumpkin smile. I have to say I thought it was funny too.

The finished pumpkin turned out rather well and it was nice to add it to our decorations. We did have a few more to carve, but figured this year we would stick to just one. I was getting tired :)


Victoria said...

cute! pumpkin carving was always fun :)

Alicia said...

Three cheers for pumpkin guts! It looks like you had a great time. The girls look so big and their hair is so long! Hope trick or treating was fun!

Kat said...

Looks like fun! I was a slacker this year and did not carve any of our pumpkins. Yet another bad mommy star for me! Glad you are back :)

T3h Qu33n said...

It looks like you guys had a blast!

Too bad Matt & I couldn't do that this year. Well, there is always next year.

Where are the Halloween pictures of the girls? What were they dressed up as?

JCR said...

Looks like a lot of fun!! That's great that Tom got into it, too.