Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Turkey Is Coming

I am very happy. For one thing it is a yucky day which means no hurry to go outside. I can stay inside and perhaps in my flannel pants for a while. B does not have school today which is good. I am planning to make turkey cookies and perhaps some craft with the girls. Uncle Marty might come over later and spend the night too. Daddy is home too and that means extra hands for me :)

I love Thanksgiving! I find no better holiday than this one. When can I eat and eat and eat without feeling bad? Never! I am looking forward to going to my mom's for a great meal. This is one of the first Thanksgivings that we will not travel to Philly to the in-laws. I will miss being there, but am happy to be here.

One new thing I will be doing this year is hitting the Midnight madness at the outlet mall in WI Friday morning. I am sooooo not a black Friday shopper, but for some reason I want to go do this. The idea of shopping while others are sleeping is cool. We will be going there around midnight and back early so I can still get some rest. Of course in my head I see the whole mall open to only me and there are no crowds and tons of sales. For some reason I don't think the reality will be the same. I will be going with my sisters and hope to find a few deals for me of course :) Perhaps a few gifts for others too since it is the season of giving.

To all of you, HAPPY TURKEY DAY! May it be filled with family and food. I know mine will be.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Happy Turkey day!! And "gobble gobble" from the boys. Hope you enjoy your midnight shopping!!

PS: yes I wrote that :)