Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm Waiting!

Here is one of the most common views I had of A while at the beach. She spent lots of time at the water's edge waiting for a wave to come by and fill up something. She would get just close enough for 1 out of every 2 waves to touch her. The wave would put a little water in her bucket or shovel and that would be perfect for her. She would then run to the dry sand and pour out whatever water she had collected. Then right back to her waiting spot for the next wave.

This drove me nuts! I couldn't understand why she wouldn't go a little bit closer, still not be in the water, but get more in her water collecting device. She was not scared of the water or the waves, but still liked this waiting game. I never did make her do it a "better" way for this seemed to work for her. Plus, it allowed me a good amount of time to sit on my chair and catch some rays.


Victoria said...

that makes me laugh....A is too adorable and what a great picture!

Kat said...

She is too frickin cute!! I can't stand it!

JCR said...

Love the suit!