Saturday, May 31, 2008

Animal Encounters

Today was a day filled with many encounters with/of animals. My day began with a fish bowl cleaning. Why do I continue to do this job when it is not my fish? It took me years to finally kill the last one. I can't even remember why I let my oldest get a new one. This job is not a tough one, but I find it a stinky one. I noticed today that there was green growth in the bowl and figured it was time to clean it. I do clean it almost weekly, so I was surprised to find the green slime. But I'd have to say the fish does look happy and he does seem to be swimming more. Job well done!

I had the girls outside to play Frisbee and all of a sudden B noticed some poop in the grass. Lucky for us she did not step in it. I do not have a dog so where did this poop come from? Perhaps it was a coyote that made this mess. I have no problem with that as long as he took a few chipmunks with him. If it is a dog walker then I'm pissed. First clean up you dog's mess and second what the heck is your dog doing in my front lawn? Keep it by the street! Needless to say I had to clean up that mess too.

We also took the girls to the animal shelter today to bring all of the items B collected at her party, instead of presents. We had a laundry basket full of treats and toys, plus about 7 cases of dog food. She was so proud, as was I. We looked around at all the possibilities, but did not come home with one. Nothing really caught my heart. I think B was a little sad about all the dogs there, but not so sad about not bringing one home. She just did not find a special one. Lucky me!

The last animal encounter was a dead chipmunk on our driveway. This was found by the kids as they were out playing. All of a sudden I looked out the window and noticed a small gathering around something. I sent husband out to find out what had captured their attention. Low and behold big tough husband came in to tell me that I had to go out and get it. He would not touch it! I first sanitized all little hands, for I did not believe that they did not touch it. Then with bag in hand scooped up the little guy. I will say that he was kinda cute, but I am glad it is gone. I actually believe I told husband to shove it back in the hole as a reminder to the rest of them what can happen. I know mean and heartless, but then again you have not seen what damage they have done to my house and yard. I no longer find them cute, unless of course they are dead.

Enough wildlife for one day I say.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Thoughts From A

At the zoo today Aunt V was showing A the lion and she noticed some red stuff on the rock.

Aunt V: A what do you think that red stuff is?

A: I think it is ketchup.

Aunt V: Ketchup?

A: Yup, the lion likes ketchup.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Now That She is 6, Time For The Bubble

Today is B's birthday and what a day it has been. She woke up with A at 6:00am ready to open gifts. In our room the girls came and going back to sleep was not on their to do list. By 6:30 I could take them no longer so downstairs I sent them. I stayed in bed till 7:00 and had heard B ask more than once "when is mom getting up?". Down came mommy and down came the gifts. After opening up a bunch the mood was still good and new books were to be read. After 4 magic School Bus books it was time to move on to another new present. High School Musical DVD here we come! The entire movie was watched played while I finished my book. Then it was go time. Time for a shower and getting dressed. Plus, I had a few places to go for last minute details for the big birthday party.

The party went very well. The kids had a great time at the playground and watching the bubble guy. They could not wait to be in a bubble! Plus, not only did the bubble guy give B a gift but, he also gave me a check to donate to the animal shelter too! He was just so touched by B's generosity and kindness that he wanted to have a part. I thought he had a huge part by charging me only half of what he usually charges, but then to donate the other half of his fee to the shelter... WOW! I guess there are some good people in the world after all. I am proud of B for using her birthday to get donations of food and toys for the dogs in the shelter instead of things for herself. Perhaps I am doing something right after all?

This is another of my favorite photos from the day. B had taken her buddy O under her wing. They are cute together too. It is just too bad he lives so far away.

It is hard to remember that this is the same girl that drives me nuts most of the day with her mood swings and temper. Gosh, when she is nice she sure is sweet! Perhaps the 6's will be better that the 5's. I can only hope!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Not So Young Anymore

After a long day of planting flowers, we received a phone call from our nephew, Mike. He would be joining us for dinner tonight and would be bringing 2 friends. Now don't get me wrong, I love having Mike over and I have no problem with him bringing friends. I just was not expecting it.

I quickly went into Martha mode and began to panic. My house was a mess, we didn't have enough food, I was not showered... How would I be able to entertain? Tom and I had the girls help us pick up, I jumped in the shower and then ran to the grocery store to speed shop. What would I need to feed 3 hungry football players? LOTS!!! We decided on burgers, dogs, brats and anything else I could find to make outside. As soon as I pulled into the driveway I had the young strapping men grab grocery bags and follow me into the house. They actually asked me if I wanted help unpacking?!?!?! My own husband doesn't even do that!

Groceries put away and snacks ready to go outside, I grabbed a beer for myself and went to join the "men". Whenever Mike brings teammates over I am impressed. They are such nice guys. I don't think I knew football players in my day that were this nice. Well maybe a few but not many. Not only are these guys smart they are thoughtful and sweet. They don't seem to be weirded out by our crazy kids or the fact the they are spending time with old, married people. They seem appreciative and are willing to help at any time.

As I sat with them drinking and chatting, listening to their bar stories and party remembrances, many of my own came back to mind. As I would share a few of mine I started to feel older and older. Then I began to think about how old I would be when B brought friends home from college. My stories are somewhat young now, but by then they will be so outdated!

Am I ready for this? To be old? I was carded at the grocery store today too and found that I no longer find it flattering. In fact I usually respond with "Seriously? You think I am under 21?" When I was 25 I'm sure I did look about 21, but now at 35 and 2 kids later? I don't think so. Again...OLD! When did all of this happen? When did I begin to feel old? I am not old, my parents are old, my grandfather is old, I am not old! I guess this is what one feels as they become older.

At least I can still say I hung out and drank with some of the NU football team and I did get a hug from each of them when they left too. Not bad for an old gal, huh? :)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Few More Moments From Graduation

This is B at the walking in moment. She is pretty happy to have found me in the sea of parents.

Here is B with her "self portrait". This is the project I did. We had 100 of these little graduates around the room. Each had been cut out of posterboard, and then glued to each was an outfit made from wallpaper, string hair, and caps. I also put a diploma in between each "kid" when they were on the wall. The kids did enjoy making their self, and some were really bad creative. At the end of the graduation all the kids put on sunglasses for their "bright future". It was so cute seeing a massive amount of little kids in cool shades.

Class of 2016

My first born graduated today. Yes the big kindergarten graduation took place today. It was quite an event. The kids put on a great show of singing, dancing, poems and prayers (it is a catholic school).

I have mixed feelings on this day. I am all for a graduation, but this large production for a 6 year old is a tad nuts. The amount of time and effort that went into this 2 hour event was huge. My time was used often as many of you know. The end result was over and above, but I guess nice to see. It is nice to know that many moms and a few dads, put in a lot of time and love to make this day special for not only their child but the many that are not theirs.

Here is a quick, and I mean quick, video of B getting her diploma. I actually had my camera and the Flip video in both hands at the same time. I am surprised that I actually got a good shot with both of my memory catchers. Note: If you listen to the video you will notice that as B is getting her diploma they are saying the next kid's name. They did not say the wrong name.

My daughter was one of the few that did not receive flowers or a gift. It is only kindergarten right? We will be going to the local ice cream shop after dinner for a "congrats cone". There was at least one mom with a "light blue bag" for her daughter! I kid you not. Can't wait to see what that one gets when she graduates from 8th grade!

But now that the day is over and the milestone is put along side the others on the path of life, I sit back and cry just a tear. This is one more thing to prove to me that my baby is growing up.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Little Baking Going On

A received a "non-baking" princess oven for her birthday. Yes, being the girl that always wanted an Easy Bake oven, I thought this would be a cool gift. Being the science geek, this no-heat baking intrigued me.

Today was the day that we decided to try it out. I made the ice last night so we would be ready today. After lunch was eaten it was time to get a baking.

All of the dishes washed? Check! Hands washed? Check! Recipe card read? Check! After a little water and a bit of mixing the cakes were ready to go into the oven.

They don't look too bad. Sort of cute too. Now add the ice.

Wait 12 20ish minutes for the cakes to finish cooking. This was the hard part. I had no idea what they were going to look like. Well I did have a picture on the box, but something told me our finished product was not going to look like that.

Here are our finished cakes.

Not exactly like I thought, but still good enough for the girls. I figured out that these cakes don't really turn into cake. More like fudge. B thought they tasted ok, A did not finish hers, but did say it was yummy. My little bite was not so good. I don't think I will eat these again. In fact I'm pretty sure if all cakes tasted like these I would never eat cake again.

Over all the girls had fun and I figured out that ice does not bake as well as a light bulb does. Go Figure.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Didn't Think It Through

A: Mom I want apple juice please.

Me: Ok, no problem

I quickly get juice and pour into a blue cup. This act results in a loud whine.

A: I don't want that cup!!!

Me: Well, that is the cup your juice is in so if you want juice you will use this cup.

I go back to reading my newspaper. I look up since the whining has stopped. I thought I would find A drinking her juice, but no I found A dumping the juice in the sink.

Me: What are you doing!

A: Now no more juice in blue cup.

Me: (Laughing) Too bad there is no more juice for you smarty pants.

This too back fired for now I had to endure a 15 minute tantrum about apple juice and everything else wrong in her little world. It did not get better when Tom stated that I need to do something about her since he was trying to read the papaer. Let me just say the noise from 1 is not as loud as the noise from 2. Don't think he got much paper read then either.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rolling Around

Yesterday we went to a birthday party for 2 more 3 year olds. The best part is that they have their own bounce house! The girls loved this. More than once I found the girls rolling more than jumping. I really just loved to hear their giggles. They had so much fun.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday Love

How happy a girl is with a few new toys. Both girls have gotten a few birthday gifts that they l-o-v-e.

B's number one gift (so far) is from Auntie Joan. She sent her a way cool sticker maker. B spent at least an hour making her thank you card to Auntie Joan right away. Anything that she could fit in the maker became part of the card. Wrapping paper, scrap wall paper, pictures from flower name it and it is probably on the card.

She has also has received some cash and gift cards so shopping we went. She was so excited to go to Toys R Us and spend her money. It took her a long time and lots of looking till she found the perfect Barbie addition. This time it was not furniture. This time the winner was a show horse and Barbie combo. It didn't even seem to bother her that all of her money would be gone. Such growth for a 6 year old.

A's good gifts have been the water princesses. These are barbie size Disney princesses that are made to go in the water. Many a bath have been had so far. She even takes them to bed with her. She has the Little Mermaid and Cinderella in her hands most of the day. She also seems to like the doll house that we got her. My only problem is that the one I bought is broken. I bought a new one today and was ready to do a switch for return when I noticed that the new one was also broken! Pissed is a light term for my mood at the moment. I returned broken #2 and this store did not have anymore. So back to Toys R Us tomorrow for house #3.

The only problem now is that the big sister like to still boss little sis. Fights are still breaking out especially today with a few new doll house pieces that Uncle John bought. Hey, the SUV is cool.

Just a couple of weeks till B's real birthday and then all the new toy hype should be over. Then the regular boredom will hit again and all will be back to normal :)

Monday, May 12, 2008

My First Video

This is my first attempt at my new video recorder. I got a Flip Video for my birthday and it is the coolest thing ever. I have been taking videos, but have been too scared to try downloading them. I figured now is the time.

A is doing 2 of my favorite things. 1. singing and 2. Her "Swiper, no swiping!" The best part is at the end when she does the "AH man!" There is supposed to be a snap of the fingers, but since she can't snap she does the motion and clicks her tongue for the sound. It is really funny and cute. But then again I am her mom.

The Day After

Well, 2 major events are off the To DO list.

I had a great Mother's Day yesterday as I hope you did too. My husband took both girls to the children's museum for a few hours so I could have some much needed quiet time. This allowed me a chance to call JCR and chat for a good long time without an interruption. I also was able to take a l-o-n-g shower and didn't have to think about cleaning. My family came over for dinner and to celebrate A's 3rd birthday. It was nice to sit and visit for a while since this was mostly Tom's and my Dad's dinner to prepare. As much as I wish I was given this day more often, it was nice to get it at least once for it was special.

I used some of the time in the morning to make the 3 decorations that I used for the cupcake toppers. A requested cupcakes instead of cake. B was even interested in eating helping me make these melted chocolate numbers!

I had to use 2 cans of frosting since I piped it on. Didn't see that coming, but sure glad I had an extra can in the pantry. I have to say I liked the way they can out. I think I will do it again for A's friend party, but will probably spread frosting and use colored sugar around the edges instead. But since the 3s were so easy I will do them again.
A had a great time with her uncle, aunts and grandparents. Her highlight was opening up presents. In fact she went so fast I had to slow her down to finish opening one gift before she began the next. Her best quote of the night I think was...
A: (opening a card with a check from Papa) Wow! What is this?
Uncle B: It is money.
A: OHHHH! I love moneys!
Another good one...
Upon opening a card from Uncle Marty she found a gift card and stated "How sweet of him"
It was a night of fun and family and most of all A being in center stage. She loves that position more than anything. I will post the video soon so you can see for yourself..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

3 So Soon?

First and for most... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! May your day somehow be a little more special than any other normal day of the week.

Second, I though I'd remember a moment in my life just 3 years ago. My baby is 3 today! It is hard to believe that A is now as old as B was when she came along. I can't imagine A with a new baby sister or brother. She would be great, but I'm not sure she would share me well. She is very possessive of me. Even as I am sitting here she is snuggled up on my lap. New birthday toys? What? She would not think of playing with them if I am not in the room with her.

Here is one of my favorites. I made my dad come over, after I saw Kristin's great pictures, and had some taken. I love how little B looks too. Perhaps one of these days I will even make a big print and hang it somewhere.

I needed to add this photo to remind me that, yes, B did love her baby sister at one time. The girls have already had a hitting and tears moment and they have only been up for 1 1/2 hour. But I guess when you add new presents to the day a fight is bound to happen. Especially with a bossy big sister and a very stubborn little one. Man! These girls are so me. It is just hard having me split between 2 bodies.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Crazy Mom/ Friend Update

Well thanks for all your kind words and total understanding about this situation. I have had a number of friends ask for an update.

I did write her a heart felt note and included a set on mommy calling cards that I made. She said thanks as soon as she got them. And she told me that my note was very nice. So as of now we are good. She is still nuts/anal, but it is good.

I know now that the next time there is a need to help with a huge project I will not be a leader. Nope, just a helper. Who am I kidding? There is not much belief in that last statement is there? I want to have too much control to just be a helper. I will however, not co-chair with Patty. She gets stuff done right away, but too high energy for me.

On a good note, Patty does know lots of moms, so I met a bunch of new moms/potential friends yesterday. :)

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tooth Fairy + Leprechaun + Allowance=?

What do you do when you combine the money from the Tooth Fairy, a gold coin from a Leprechaun that came to grandma's house and a few weeks of hard earned allowance? If you are B you run to Target as quickly as you can get your Dad to take you and buy ...

Why does she need want this? She saw it on a recent trip, and noticed that it was on sale for $9.99 at Target. She new that she had enough money in her purse at home to get it. It would require the use of ALL her cash and $2.oo left on a Target gift card. This did not phase her. She wanted it baaad and since she worked for it I figured she could get it.

As soon as I walked in the door Saturday, she was out it with daddy in tow. Tom said she took him right in to the toy section and went right to the Barbie shelf. He was not allowed to look at anything until the armoire was in her hands.

She could not wait to get home and open it. Which I did for her ASAP. She ran to get a Barbie and instructed her sister to "Stay away!" Then the playing began.

I think she played with it for about 10 minutes and that was it. I hope she learned again how things look better sometimes than they really are. This Barbie accessory was really not as much fun as she thought it would be. I am glad she used her own money this time and not mine! I do earn my mommy star for I did not say the "told you so" that was right on the tip of my tongue.

Monday, May 5, 2008


I will start with how I forgot how much the first bike ride of the season hurts. Well, not at the time of the ride, but the next day. We took a family ride yesterday. This means I pull the trailer with both girls in it and Tom rides along side of me. Why do I pull the 70lb trailer? I have no idea and let me just say my legs are not so happy today either. It was a nice ride though.

Today I also decided that to begin my "save gas" crusade I biked, pulling the girls in the trailer, to the library. It is only about 1 mile away, but I swear it is a long mile! My butt sure does hurt now. Well perhaps not so much my butt as my "saddle". I will be fine it just takes a little more time riding till I am used to it. So to solve the soreness I have to ride more? Not sure about that solution.

My next OUCH is about my mouth. I though I had made a new friend at B's school and today it might have gone to pot. I am working on a graduation project with another mom, who I like and get along with. She is however much more type A than I am. She has been a big help keeping me on my toes and I'd say doing a lot of the leg work for this project. I thought I was complimenting her today, but later she called to tell me she did not take it as a compliment. I was so taken back. I really don't know if she believed my apology or not. I don't know if I can fix this or how to even. I also really don't know how what I said upset her. I told her how I was so lucky to get paired with her cause I am such a procrastinator and she keeps me on my toes. I swear that is what I said! Really, that is what I said. I don't think I even had a "tone" when I said it. I really meant it as a compliment. So now I am upset for I don't want her to be mad at me or not like me. What a day!

To end on a good note, the weather is great and the girls have been outside all day. I am hoping for early bed times tonight :)

Friday, May 2, 2008


I am sooo lucky. I awoke this morning after a not so restful night with a start. how could I have forgotten? What if she knows? What time is it!!!???

The Tooth Fairy never came last night. I know it is only the second time and I forgot. Thankfully it is only 5:48 and I might be able to get it done.

I ran downstairs, well walked quickly since I still have some vertigo and got out of bed really fast, and got the quarters. 4 of them this time for I did learn my lesson from last time. Then as quietly as the creaky floors in my house would let me I went to B's room. I reached in, grabbed her tooth pillow and took it in the bathroom (just in case she opened her eyes).

What!? Where on earth is the tiny tooth? I can not find it in the pillow! I am feeling, looking, nothing. Oh Well guess I will just put the money in and hope she did not move the tooth expecting the Tooth Fairy to find it.

Relax, the money is in and the pillow is safely back where it belongs. B never woke up.

What? Did I just hear money spill to the floor? B is now awake and was just checking if the Tooth Fairy came. I don't think it could have been and closer. I had just finished, turned away from her door, went into my bedroom to get my glasses, and she was up.

Nothing like a jump start to my day. Plus I figure my heart rate was elevated for at least 20 minutes so I don't have to exercise, right?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Playing With A

me holding my doll: What are you doing today?

A holding her doll: I am going to the doctor.

me: Why? Are you sick?

A: Oh no, my hair has blood.

Me: How did your hair get blood?

A: My turtle bit it and so now it has blood and I have to go to the doctor to feel better.

In A's defence she was playing with a mermaid, so the turtle bite could have happened :)

Another One!?

Perhaps my daughter has not heard that gas prices are going up, and so it is best to do as much as possible in one trip. I guess she is lucky that the Tooth Fairy does not use gas nor a car. If she did she might be pissed that she has to come back to this house again when she was just here the other night.

Yup! B lost another tooth at school today. Now she has a matching space right next to the first. Both bottom teeth are gone. I am glad it is not her 2 top ones, for the bottom are not seen all that much. Now if I can get her to quit sucking her thumb all will be great.

I do know too the the Tooth Fairy better leave at least a dollar, for she only left 75 cents last time and it did not go over well. Good thing B found one more quarter under her pillow that the Tooth Fairy must have dropped while she was putting the rest of the quarters in her tooth pillow.