Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday Love

How happy a girl is with a few new toys. Both girls have gotten a few birthday gifts that they l-o-v-e.

B's number one gift (so far) is from Auntie Joan. She sent her a way cool sticker maker. B spent at least an hour making her thank you card to Auntie Joan right away. Anything that she could fit in the maker became part of the card. Wrapping paper, scrap wall paper, pictures from flower name it and it is probably on the card.

She has also has received some cash and gift cards so shopping we went. She was so excited to go to Toys R Us and spend her money. It took her a long time and lots of looking till she found the perfect Barbie addition. This time it was not furniture. This time the winner was a show horse and Barbie combo. It didn't even seem to bother her that all of her money would be gone. Such growth for a 6 year old.

A's good gifts have been the water princesses. These are barbie size Disney princesses that are made to go in the water. Many a bath have been had so far. She even takes them to bed with her. She has the Little Mermaid and Cinderella in her hands most of the day. She also seems to like the doll house that we got her. My only problem is that the one I bought is broken. I bought a new one today and was ready to do a switch for return when I noticed that the new one was also broken! Pissed is a light term for my mood at the moment. I returned broken #2 and this store did not have anymore. So back to Toys R Us tomorrow for house #3.

The only problem now is that the big sister like to still boss little sis. Fights are still breaking out especially today with a few new doll house pieces that Uncle John bought. Hey, the SUV is cool.

Just a couple of weeks till B's real birthday and then all the new toy hype should be over. Then the regular boredom will hit again and all will be back to normal :)

1 comment:

JCR said...

I'm so happy she likes the sticker machine! I'm excited to get my card. :)