Sunday, May 11, 2008

3 So Soon?

First and for most... HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! May your day somehow be a little more special than any other normal day of the week.

Second, I though I'd remember a moment in my life just 3 years ago. My baby is 3 today! It is hard to believe that A is now as old as B was when she came along. I can't imagine A with a new baby sister or brother. She would be great, but I'm not sure she would share me well. She is very possessive of me. Even as I am sitting here she is snuggled up on my lap. New birthday toys? What? She would not think of playing with them if I am not in the room with her.

Here is one of my favorites. I made my dad come over, after I saw Kristin's great pictures, and had some taken. I love how little B looks too. Perhaps one of these days I will even make a big print and hang it somewhere.

I needed to add this photo to remind me that, yes, B did love her baby sister at one time. The girls have already had a hitting and tears moment and they have only been up for 1 1/2 hour. But I guess when you add new presents to the day a fight is bound to happen. Especially with a bossy big sister and a very stubborn little one. Man! These girls are so me. It is just hard having me split between 2 bodies.


Victoria said...

yea those are some of my faves too!! you and your dyed hair in the first one :) i too cannot believe she is 3!!! time flies by!!!

Kat said...

I love that picture with B on your belly. Happy Birthday A!!!!!