Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Tooth Fairy + Leprechaun + Allowance=?

What do you do when you combine the money from the Tooth Fairy, a gold coin from a Leprechaun that came to grandma's house and a few weeks of hard earned allowance? If you are B you run to Target as quickly as you can get your Dad to take you and buy ...

Why does she need want this? She saw it on a recent trip, and noticed that it was on sale for $9.99 at Target. She new that she had enough money in her purse at home to get it. It would require the use of ALL her cash and $2.oo left on a Target gift card. This did not phase her. She wanted it baaad and since she worked for it I figured she could get it.

As soon as I walked in the door Saturday, she was out it with daddy in tow. Tom said she took him right in to the toy section and went right to the Barbie shelf. He was not allowed to look at anything until the armoire was in her hands.

She could not wait to get home and open it. Which I did for her ASAP. She ran to get a Barbie and instructed her sister to "Stay away!" Then the playing began.

I think she played with it for about 10 minutes and that was it. I hope she learned again how things look better sometimes than they really are. This Barbie accessory was really not as much fun as she thought it would be. I am glad she used her own money this time and not mine! I do earn my mommy star for I did not say the "told you so" that was right on the tip of my tongue.


Victoria said...

ooo poor B...at least she has a birthday coming up where she will get more money/better toys.

Kat said...

Got a super fun box in the mail yesterday - THANK YOU!!!!

JCR said...

Aw, that's so sad. It's such a hard lesson to learn.