Sunday, May 18, 2008

Didn't Think It Through

A: Mom I want apple juice please.

Me: Ok, no problem

I quickly get juice and pour into a blue cup. This act results in a loud whine.

A: I don't want that cup!!!

Me: Well, that is the cup your juice is in so if you want juice you will use this cup.

I go back to reading my newspaper. I look up since the whining has stopped. I thought I would find A drinking her juice, but no I found A dumping the juice in the sink.

Me: What are you doing!

A: Now no more juice in blue cup.

Me: (Laughing) Too bad there is no more juice for you smarty pants.

This too back fired for now I had to endure a 15 minute tantrum about apple juice and everything else wrong in her little world. It did not get better when Tom stated that I need to do something about her since he was trying to read the papaer. Let me just say the noise from 1 is not as loud as the noise from 2. Don't think he got much paper read then either.


Victoria said...

oh classic abby..she sure knows how to solve her own problems though...

JCR said...

I love how T said you needed to something about the noise. I get that too, mostly when Heff is on the phone. And I always give him a look...

Jen said...

That is too funny! I am glad I am not the only one dealing with the 'cup' issues!!

Kat said...

Like I said, I will take her. She did have a point, there WAS no more juice - ha ha